A várhatóan 2008.julius 5-től életbe lépő szabályváltozások

A szabálymódosításokról az értesítések 2008. január elején kerülnek a szövetségekhez  - megfelelő szövegezéssel.

Játékvezető-segédek  -  szereléskori lesek és egyéb szabálytalanságok megítélésében segítség

Szögletzászlók - kikerülnek 2 méterre a célterülettől


22-esen belül - a labda 22-es mögé visszavitele nem fog kirúgás helyén bedobást engedélyezni, kivéve ha szerelés, csomag, nyitott tolongás utáni rúgásról van szó

Bedobás - csapatonkénti létszám nincs maximálva, gyorsbedobást hátrafele is végre lehet hajtani, labdának 2 méterre kell elmennie, előzetes összekapaszkodás lehetséges, a partos dobásért bedobás vagy szabadrúgás választható

Megállás - les, ellenjáték és szándékos szabálytalanság csak amiért büntető jár; nem megjátszható labda esetén szabadrúgás; nyitott toliban a játékosok megfoghatják a labdát

Csomag - összeomlaszthatók; csomagot forgató játékosok nem büntetettek feltartásért; nem megjátszható labda esetén szabadrúgás vagy csomag választható;

Tolongás - a lesvonal 5 méterrel hátrébb lesz

Büntetések - lesen, 10-es szabály körébe tartozó ellenjátékon és szándékos szabálytalanságon felül mindenre szabadrúgás alkalmazott

Eredeti szlájdok: http://www.mrgsz.hu/?cmd=readNews&id=535  lap alján lévő képek
A szabályokat illusztráló meccsjelenetek:
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És a konkrét szövegezés:

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The following Experimental Law Variations (ELVs) are being considered by the IRB. They have

been trialled in various competitions around the world. If approved, some or all of the ELVs will

be introduced into the game with effect from 1st June 2008.



1. To distinguish the new role of the touch judges, they have been renamed flag judges.

Flag Judges can indicate offside at the tackle by raising their flag horizontally in the

direction of the offending team. This flag raising will be mirrored by the opposite Flag

Judges so as to provide visual assistance to the referee. The referee however is not

obliged to act on the offence.



2. Corner post, and post at corner of touch in goal and dead ball line are moved back 2

metres. This ensures consistency of touch along the entire length of the touch line and

touch in goal line.



3. When a defending player receives the ball outside the 22 metre line and passes, puts or

takes the ball back inside the 22, the following can occur:

a. If the ball is then kicked directly into touch, the lineout is in line with where the ball

was kicked.

b. If a tackle, ruck or maul is subsequently formed and the ball is then kicked directly

into touch, the lineout is where the ball crossed the touch line.



4. On a quick throw in, the ball can be thrown straight or backwards towards the defenders

goal line, but not forward towards the opposition goal line.

5. A player peeling off at the front of the lineout can do so as soon as the ball leaves the

throwers hands.

6. The receiver in a lineout must stand 2 metres from the lineout.

7. The non throwing hooker does not have to stand between the 5 metre line and the touch

line. They must conform to law wherever they stand.

8. There is no maximum number of players in the lineout but there is a minimum of 2.

9. Neither team determines numbers in the lineout.

10. Pre-gripping is allowed.

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11. If a lineout throw is not straight, the option is a lineout or Free Kick to non throwing team.



12. Players entering the breakdown area must do so through the gate. RIGIDLY APPLIED

13. Immediately the tackle occurs there are offside lines.

14. The offside lines run parallel to the goal lines through the hindmost part of the hindmost

player at the tackle.

15. A tackled player must immediately play the ball and may not be prevented from playing

the ball by any player who is off their feet. [Added 1 Oct]

16. Any other player playing the ball at the breakdown must be on their feet. [Added 1 Oct]

17. If the ball is unplayable at the breakdown, the side that did not take the ball into contact

will receive a Free Kick.

18. If the ball is received directly from a kick and a tackle occurs immediately, and the ball

becomes unplayable, the Free Kick is given to the team who received the kick.

19. There are only 3 penalty offences (not including dangerous play) at the breakdown.

a. Offside for not coming through the gate.

b. Offside where defenders are in front of the last man on their side of the breakdown.

ie: the offside line

c. A tackled player must immediately play the ball and may not be prevented from

playing the ball by any player who is off their feet

20. Repeated infringements can be dealt with as per current law.

21. All Free Kicks are tap kicks including a mark and a scrum option is available for all Free


22. Dangerous play will not be tolerated eg: Diving over the breakdown.

23. The half back should not be touched unless he has his hands on the ball.



24. Defending players can pull down the maul.

25. Players joining the maul must do so through the gate. RIGIDLY APPLIED

26. If a maul becomes unplayable, the team not in possession at the start of the maul

receives a Free Kick.

27. The ‘truck and trailer’ is no longer an offence.



28. The offside line for players who are not in the scrum and who are not the teams scrum

half, is 5 metres behind the hindmost foot of the scrum.


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26. For all offences other than offside, not entering through the gate, and Law 10-Foul Play,

the sanction is a Free Kick.

~ End ~